What makes Division 7 Roofing the best commercial roofing contractor in Ohio? When someone comes to tell you about a movie and says “it’s the best movie they’ve ever seen”, you may be a little skeptical. But what if more and more people came to you saying the same thing about that movie? You’d be pretty quick to go watch it! We are confident we have the same perception from our trusted clients.
1. Roofing With Integrity
What do we mean at Division 7 Roofing when we call ourselves “a roofing contractor with integrity?” Integrity is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles. We conduct our business fairly, respecting our customers, fellow business people, and even our competitors. We consider ourselves not just part of Columbus’s marketplace but part of our community.
We live by our honesty and moral principles every day:
- We guarantee the equitable treatment of property owners (our commercial customers) and colleagues (our fellow employees, interns, veteran staff members, and the newest recruits).
- We provide complete and accurate information for our shareholders; we believe in transparency so they can make informed decisions.
- We provide leadership to our industry and practice our values within our community.
We are a business; sometimes businesses suffer setbacks; sometimes they achieve greatness. If we held to our moral compass only during times of prosperity and success, we would not be fulfilling our mission. No, at Division 7 Roofing, we hold to our values, work with integrity, and treat customers and employees with respect and dignity through good times and bad.
Fortunately, our “secret formula” for success has withstood the test of time, since we have been providing expert roofing services for more than four decades, since 1979.
2. Core Values
How do you like being treated when you engage in a commercial transaction? Like a valued, honored customer, or like one of a nameless, numberless rabble? Most of us prefer to be respected and treated with dignity.
At Division 7 Roofing, we uphold a set of six core values with every interaction, every transaction, every project:
- Godly
- Ethical
- Responsive
- Quality driven
- Safe
- Profitable actions
It doesn’t spell anything clever or cute. It is simply a list of guiding principles to help us hold onto the best parts of ourselves. We strive to provide our commercial customers only two things with every job:
- The finest, premium roofing products available at a fair market price.
- Exceptional low-slope roofing installation by experienced, dedicated, and highly skilled roofers.
Perhaps it does not sound like much. You may find another commercial roofer who over-promises and under-delivers. We prefer a different way of working. We will under-promise and then over-deliver excellent service, great products, and excellent customer service.
Our employees are our most important assets. We encourage and expect them to commit to the same values we prize. To do this, we have to commit to our employees, which we do through:
- Training in all types of modern roofing materials, installation, and repair methods
- Investment in technology to make their work faster, better, and easier
- Unmatched attention to safe, sane work practices
3. Community
No person is an island, and no commercial roofer is alone in business. We at Division 7 Roofing know we are part of the Columbus community. We started our business by connecting to those around us, advancing a vision to provide commercial roofing services at the highest levels of excellence and integrity.
We bring to the Columbus community a wealth of knowledge about roofing — we pioneered local use of heat-welded single-ply membrane roofing systems — and a strong desire to give back to all those around us.
We actively seek feedback from our customers, and we treasure their testimonials. Each response tells us what we did well, what we need to change, and what we can do better.
We encourage our employees to participate in their community and help others fulfill our core values. Sometimes this means putting a little extra effort into a commercial roofing project. Sometimes it means putting additional teddy bears in the Toys For Tots boxes.
Our quality work and long history are their own rewards, but we are also honored to be recognized for our contributions, such as being awarded Best Roofing Contractor. We provide quality services in a broad range of commercial applications:
- Multiple heat-welded systems
- Modified bitumen systems
- Conventional built-up roofing (BUR) systems
- Metal roofing
As we continue to expand, grow, and offer more to our business community and the good people of Columbus, we look forward to another four decades of commercial roofing excellence.
Work with us at Division 7 Roofing in Columbus, Ohio, and the surrounding areas. Contact us today, and we will show you many reasons we are the best at what we do: commercial roofing installed, inspected, and maintained with integrity.